For Patients

Need a Doctor?

Our clinic is NOT accepting any new patients.  Please refer to the link below:

The London & District Academy of Medicine - Doctors Accepting patients page (click here) or Health Care Connect . The number is 1-800-445-1822.

Please note that the Byron Family Medical Centre is NOT a walk-in facility

Your Healthcare Provider

The Byron Family Medical Centre provides a comprehensive, interdisciplinary and team based approach to primary health care. Your care is always shared by team members that include your Family Physician, Residents on the team, and a Family Practice Nurse. Other extended members of the team that may share in your care include a Nurse Practitioner, Social Worker, Mental Health Specialists, Dietitian, and Occupational Therapist. 

It is important to know that your Family Physician and Family Practice Nurse will be aware of the care provided by any other members of the team.

Making an Appointment

At the Byron Family Medical Centre (BFMC) we have Open Access Booking. This means that the vast majority of patients are offered the opportunity to book their appointments on the day they call or by the next clinic day.

 That means addressing your concerns as they arise and preventing long wait times to see a doctor. Our goal is to have most requests for doctor's appointments fulfilled within a week if it is not urgent, and that day if it is urgent. We hope improving access will increase patient satisfaction and improve quality and efficiency. 

It is not meant to be a walk-in centre -  appointments will still be needed to see all members of our health care team. 

Your Appointment

What to bring to your appointment:

It is very helpful to your health care team to have the most current information in order to make your visit the best it can be.
Please be sure to bring the following to each of your appointments.

    • Your health card and any updates to your address or phone number.

    • All your medications including those prescribed, over-the-counter, herbal products and vitamins 

       • If you have been to another doctor or in the hospital please inform us of any change in your medications. Updated information about your medications is extremely important to your health and safety. It is called medication reconciliation.
See the patient brochure for more information.

    • A list of questions that you may have about your visit - feel free to ask questions!

    • A family member or friend if you think they would be helpful in your understanding of your visit.


For more detailed information please click on the following link - You asked us...

Investigation Preparation Instructions

Please select (click) one of the following depending on which investigation and place your health care provider has told you to call:

After Hours Care

If you are a patient at BFMC and have medical issues that you feel cannot wait till the next day, please call our main phone number 

519-472-9670 and follow the prompts. 
There is always a physician available to help you 24 hours a day, every day.

If you have a  medical emergency please dial 911 or seek medical attention at an LHSC Emergency Department.

Email Communications

If you are a patient at BFMC, there may be opportunities for us to email you.  Some examples are upcoming appointment reminders, requisitions for medical tests & lab results to name a few.  We require your consent to allow us to email you.  Please note that this is only a one way communication using an outgoing email system. Any reply to our emails will not be seen.

If you are interested in this service and have not signed up in the past, please proceed read the consent (click here).  At the bottom of the consent form is a link to sign-up for email communications.

Rights & Responsibilities

The Byron Family Medical Centre (BFMC) and the London Health Sciences Centre (LHSC) believes in and encourages a partnership between patients and their health-care providers.

Patients have the right to: 


Privacy and Confidentiality

Safe Care and Treatment

Access to the Complaints Resolution Process

Patients are responsible for:

Active Partnering in Care

Courtesy and Respect

Using Health Care Resources Wisely

Concerns or Comments?

Please let us know if you have any questions, comments, and/or concerns about your visit or anything that you experience at BFMC. Feel free to speak with any one of the team members. Please make sure you know what to do when you go home from your appointment.

Remember:  Never leave feeling confused or dissatisfied with your appointment.

We rely on your feedback - positive or negative.

Please!  Tell us how we are doing!

Feel free to contact our Manager. Her name and contact information is as follows:

          Erin Chapman

  Telephone:  519-472-9260 or 519-685-8500 #52517